Silver Lining in Ontario’s Lockdown

Kicking off 2022 with new Covid-19 Restrictions may not seem ideal, however this time can be well spent around the house!

Yes, this has been a long, challenging road for many, including us in the home staging industry. Instead of complaining or sulking, use this time to prepare for when times finally get better. The stager/organizer in me says - clean, declutter and complete all the repairs! The friend in me says - focus on yourself, meditate, discover a new hobby, do something your future self will thank you for!

Who says you can’t do both!


How many scuffs do you have on your walls? Take a look around real quick. They seem to come out of no where! Here’s my secret weapon, Magic Erasers! They really are magic! They quickly and easily rub those scuffs right out, yes, even crayon, CRAYON!

On the topic of magic, this small but mighty steamer will take gunk out of your grout you didn’t even know was there. Bonus - it cleans and sanitizes as well!

Clean your interior windows (little too cold in Ontario to clean the outside in January). Bust out the Windex and paper towel and shine away. While you’re at it - don’t forget to dust those blinds!

Opening the windows for just a few minutes each day can really boost your mood and let some fresh winter air in.


Pick a room, then pick an area. It might be a closet, drawer, tall boy dresser, basket whatever. Just start. Spend just 30 minutes each day purging and sorting what needs to be kept, donated, repurposed or trashed. Are they in the right spot? If not, take them there. Time the 30 minutes and when it’s done. Stop.

Kitchen: Edit that “junk drawer(s)”. You know exactly what drawer we’re talking about. Sort each kitchen cabinet and decide what is still of use (or not). Have the kids give you a hand too! Give that pantry a review and throw out those expired items.

Bedroom: Try on your clothes as you sort through your closet. See what fits and if you even enjoy how the items still looks on you. Give your make up a good organization. Remember the typical shelf life for make up is 6 months to 1 year.

I promise you will feel lighter, refreshed when you are done. Studies have shown that organized spaces improve mental health. Since we’re going to be stuck inside for a bit, while not make your home the best place to be?

Small Repairs and Projects

We all have those small items we have been putting off around the house. Hanging that painting, changing the light fixture, touching up a ding on the wall. Now is the time! Not handy? There are some great videos on YouTube, however in no way are we suggesting using YouTube in place of hiring a professional.

During last year’s lockdown my husband and I repainted our kitchen cabinets and they turned out beautifully! I’ll include a picture below. We love how they turned out! It saved us a ton of money, and it was simply a quarantine project.

So go ahead! Patch those wall dents and dings, paint that trim, get ahead of the game for when everything goes back to normal. And it will, it’s just a matter of time!


5 Paint Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making