So you want to sell your home for the most money…

Welcome and thank you for visiting Inspire My Home Staging and Organization ! I’m Vanessa, professional, certified home stager and organizer and the Owner/Principal Designer at Inspire My Home Staging.

I love to prepare homes for sale. I love to declutter and organize. My family, friends and certainly my husband can attest to that! Our mission is to transform homes into modern, beautiful spaces for fast sale at the best price possible. I won’t list exactly what we do - you can check out our services here:

I need a buyer to walk into your home for sale and say “this is the one!!!”

Our second - but equally as important mission is to create clean, fresh, organized homes for the best mental health possible. Think about how often you need something - you know you have it, you just don’t know where!?!? That’s where I come in. I am passionate about creating a system that works for families to have more time for each other - not searching for things. And who does’t want that?

Without pulling out a bunch of statistics — HOME STAGING SELLS! period. Buy why choose Inspire My Home?

Why? Because we care about your return on staging. We care about peace of mind in your home. We care about the largest asset you probably own. We care about you. In the midst of a global pandemic life is stressful enough - let us take some of that away from you. We value integrity, we are ambitious, hardworking, professionals worth every penny of you investment.

A little about me…

I received my Home Staging Certification from Seneca College in Toronto, Ontario.

I am a proud member of RESA.

I love spending time with family and friends.

I love people and believe in kindness and spreading it wherever I can. Our world just needs more of it.

I reading books and articles - especially ones about staging and organizing to keep ahead of the ever-changing trends in the industry.

I love to travel - that’s me in Oia, Greece a few years ago. I cannot wait for COVID to be over so I can travel again!!

Design and Stage to Sell

I am an open, honest book. I encourage you to reach out to us and ask anything! I am happy to answer any questions you have and welcome the opportunity to do business with you. Until next time - stay safe!


You Need to Stage Your Home. Period.